How to Reduce IT Costs in the Current Environment

Very little can be said with certainty these days, beyond that we appear to be heading into a period of prolonged economic volatility. On March 19th, 2020, Bank of America’s top economist stated that the U.S. economy had entered a recession. Yet, between March 23rd and 27th, the Dow rallied to such a degree that […]

How a Houston-Based Energy Consultant Keeps Costs Low with Custom Enterprise Software

As an energy consultant who assists companies in the procurement of electricity and natural gas, as well as the monitoring of their consumption and the management of overall costs, Annette Van Brunt, founder of Van Brunt & Associates, relies on custom enterprise software to manage data from multiple sources. This includes her customers, the suppliers […]

App Usage in Iowa’s 2020 Democratic Primary Caucus: What Went Wrong?

Bugs are a common part of any application’s development process, highlighting opportunities to improve functionality and achieve greater stability.  That said, serious bugs simply aren’t acceptable in finished code for mission-critical operations. As a case in point, take the Iowa 2020 primary caucus reporting app, which was so infested with remaining bugs that it was […]

How a Lack of Scalable Integrations Infrastructure Threatens Manufacturing Companies

In manufacturing, speed and efficiency can make or break a business’s profit margin. Manufacturing companies looking to expand their offerings, develop their internal processes, integrate with new and existing customers, or get more products to market as quickly as possible rely increasingly on an underlying infrastructure of technological connections to do so. Without these, very […]

Why Scalable IT Software Infrastructures Should Matter to Manufacturers

Building and maintaining a scalable IT infrastructure is a necessary foundation for most modern business processes. Yet the factors that make scalability so important are often misunderstood or altogether overlooked by manufacturing companies. As an example, “scalability” does not equal “cloud computing.” Although it’s true that cloud computing is inherently scalable – as you’re able […]

Is Your IT Vendor Letting You Down? 7 Common Symptoms You Need to Know

Outsourcing important IT tasks to domain experts and specialist teams can provide great value for a growing company. However, it’s also unfortunately uncommon for IT vendors to fail to deliver on agreed-upon standards, costing companies even more money over time. When IT procurement suffers a dip in quality, your business’s forward market momentum can take […]

How “Homegrown” IT Infrastructure Puts Growing Companies at Risk

IT infrastructure is the core of modern business. With a solid infrastructure in place, companies can quickly scale to meet the needs of their customers, while staying competitive in domestic and international markets. Building out scalable technological systems upon which additional features can later be grafted is a necessary part of maintaining these infrastructures, but […]

Did Boeing’s Software Development Outsourcing Contribute to its 737 MAX 8 Failures?

The tragic case of consecutive crashes involving Boeing’s ambitious new 737 MAX 8 model airplanes has forced both governments and the public to more deeply assess the current lay of the aeronautics industry. And although many factors have likely contributed to Boeing’s challenges, potentially significant issues with the development of the faulty planes’ internal systems […]

The Unexpected Costs of Developer Turnover: Could Your Project Be at Risk?

Think your company couldn’t possibly have anything in common with Microsoft? Think again, if you’re struggling with developer turnover – either on your own staff or through your outsourced software development provider. Microsoft strives to maintain a diverse and satisfied stock of internal talent, yet competition for securing – and actually keeping – new hires […]

How Software Helps Prevent Wrongful Convictions

‘It used to take up to 3 weeks to provide in-car video to defense attorneys, but now it takes minutes to a day.’ – Midland As a software developer with experience in corporations and startups, I’ve seen the return on software investment. I’ve witnessed automated DevOps save a company from costly, embarrassing customer-facing errors. I’ve […]